Summer Schedule
(June 24 - August 18)
10:15am - 3:45pm (everyday): Join us for open hours. This is a great chance to hang out, read a book, do a craft, play a game, get some resources, have some lunch, or whatever else you feel like doing.
Evenings (Fri-Sun): Each week we’ll have a community potluck/campfire on Friday, a different themed adult program on Saturday, and a different themed family program on Sunday. Check out the calendar and program listings for details.
Upcoming Events
Sensory Processing Disorder Support Group
Please join us monthly for a parenting / education / support group. This group is designed for any caregiver of a child with SPD.
2024-2025 Monthly Meetings - $35 per attendee $45 per couple. First Group on October 21st is Free!
You may pay the facilitator via Venmo or check at the first class.
October 21 Embracing Neurodiversity
November 18 Executive Functioning and SPD
December 9 How to Help Your Anxious Child
January 13 Social Anxiety and Social Skills
February 10 Emotional Regulation: Parent and Child Strategies
March 10 Family Effects: How SPD Affects Sibling and Marital Relationships
April 7 Equine Assisted Therapies and SPD