Summer Schedule
(June 24 - August 18)
10:15am - 3:45pm (everyday): Join us for open hours. This is a great chance to hang out, read a book, do a craft, play a game, get some resources, have some lunch, or whatever else you feel like doing.
Evenings (Fri-Sun): Each week we’ll have a community potluck/campfire on Friday, a different themed adult program on Saturday, and a different themed family program on Sunday. Check out the calendar and program listings for details.
Upcoming Events
Let’s Paint Together Art Event
Join Boaz for an evening of artistic creation, learning and exchange. Supplies for painting will be provided.
So...What is Unmasking?? Community Event
Explore and discuss Un-Masking, what it is and how to approach it. Connect with others exploring un-masking. Un-mask with your family and favorite close people. Advocate for your needs during the holidays.
Donation $20 to support the NCC-
Thank you for your Support- it means everything to us! You can donate by clicking the donate buttons by our Logo.
We love you!